...if we are stronger healers than they are warriors...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Chicken petition

Hey folks - this just in from my friend Jane Wells. I wish i had more time to write about this now, but the first semester is almost done and I'm in the final push, with projects and assignments. Did want to post this so that word got out a little more -


City friends,

Okay I know this isn't exactly a high priority political act, but keeping chickens in the backyard is actually a great idea. They eat kitchen scraps, bugs and grass, and their crap is high in nitrogen, so an excellent natural fertilizer. Fresh eggs are far better for you than store-bought eggs (significantly higher in nutrients, lower in cholesterol and saturated fat). They also sound very sweet if you pop your head into their roost at night.

The petition below is to make it legal to keep chickens in Toronto yards - it is legal in many US cities, including Manhattan, and quite common in Britain. The cause is supported by a number of city councillors already.

To fresh eggs,


"Toronto Chickens" http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/torontochickens?e

PLUS - found this hilarious and great photo at the WebUrbanist site (www.weburbanist.com). Don't those chicken houses look a lot like those older sleek and space-agey mac desktop computers?

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